In 2019, aois21 resolves to:

Plus a special offer from aois21 Publisher Keith F.  Shovlin

It's a new year and time to reassess for what's to come. To that end, aois21 media resolves to:

- Put the website on a diet

- Assess the best ways to support our Creatives

- Build our social media footprint with a targeted strategy

- Enhance our audio team with new talent and experiences.

- Create dynamic and engrossing artwork

We'll be announcing additional details in the weeks ahead. Next week, find the bestsellers for December and all of 2018. After that we'll be announcing changes to our team and podcast schedule, so be sure to keep you eye out and share this with anyone who might be interested!

Special offer through February 2nd!

Our Publisher, Keith F. Shovlin, celebrated his 37th birthday this week and he has decided to celebrate with all of you. Between now and February 2nd, all of his books can be downloaded for free from the aois21 market and Smashwords. That's the Polk's Soliloquy eBook, regularly $3.99, and Life's Penance, regular $2.99, both free for the month of January!
Visitthe aois21 market today and pick them up before it's too late!