Submissions open soon!

Fifth and final aois21 annual casts net across the globe

We have reached the time of year to start planning for the fifth and final aois21 annual literary magazine. The e-mag will feature poetry, short stories, essays, excerpts, photography, art, audio, and video. Per our tradition, we first open up to past contributors, starting July 1st. Our full submission period begins August 1st and runs through the end of the month. Here are the full submission guidelines, which can also be found

Each August 1st we will issue our call for submissions to the aois21 annual. The submission period will only be open through the end of August, but may be extended. Preference is given to aois21 creatives, and they will be given prime placement and promotion. Staff are welcome to submit works for inclusion. Acceptable works include fiction, non-fiction, essays, poetry, photography, short stories, excerpts from published materials, and other artwork. All submissions must not have been previously published (excerpts excepted), including on an online journal or blog.

  • Submissions can be sent in print or electronic. If electronically, they must be in Microsoft Word (doc, docx) or convertible (rtf, txt) format.
  • There is no submission fee.
  • Payment for your submission will be a copy of the magazine, either print or electronic, and a share of the royalties.
  • Multiple submissions are welcome, but you may be asked to choose from among your submissions for final publication.
  • Copyright for any works published in the aois21 annual revert to author upon publication. 
  • By submitting your work, you grant permission for us to both include your work but also to list you as a contributor and advertise your inclusion.
  • All submissions must be predominantly in English.
  • Any work by other authors must be properly cited.
  • Excerpts can only be accepted from works released within the same calendar year, or are due to be released.

By sending us your work, you are stating that the work is your own and does not infringe on any copyright.

We look forward to hearing from you! In the meantime, visit the aois21 market to pick up your copy of past issues!